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Kamis, 02 Juni 2011


The Robotics with the Boe-Bot Student Guide was created for ages 13+ as a subsequent text to “What’s a Microcontroller?”. Like all of the Stamps in Class curriculum, this series of experiments teaches new techniques and circuits with minimal overlap between the other texts. The general topics introduced in this series are: basic Boe-Bot navigation
under program control, navigation using a variety of sensor inputs, navigation using feedback and various control techniques, and navigation using programmed artificial intelligence. Each topic is addressed in an introductory format designed to impart a conceptual understanding along with some hands-on experience. Those who intend to delve further into industrial technology, electronics, or robotics are likely to benefit significantly from initial experiences with these topics
Chapter 1: Your Boe-Bot’s Brain
Chapter 2: Your Boe-Bot’s Servo Motors
Chapter 3: Assemble and Test Your Boe-Bot
Chapter 4: Boe-Bot Navigation
Chapter 5: Tactile Navigation with Whiskers
Chapter 6: Light Sensitive Navigation with Photoresistors
Chapter 7: Navigating with Infrared Headlights
Chapter 8: Robot Control with Distance Detection
datasheet Klik Disini

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