Demonstration Circuit 1568A is a 2A Monolithic Multi-Chemistry battery charger for solar power applications featuring the LT3652EDD. The LT3652 is a complete mid-power Li-Ion battery charger that can operate
over a wide input voltage range. The charger employs a 3.3V float voltage feedback reference that allows the battery float voltage to be adjusted up to 14.4V. R10 and R11, in the demonstration circuit, set the float resistor divider. The charger is a CC/CV charger with a
maximum charge current of 2A. A precondition feature trickle charges a low-voltage battery, and bad battery detection provides a signal if the battery doesnt respond to preconditioning.
The LT3652EDD is available in a 12-lead (3mm × 3mm) DFN surface mount package with an exposed pad
Harga Rp 3.100.000