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Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Arduino Leonardo with Header

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Arduino Leonardo is a the Arduino team recently launched low-cost Arduino controller. It has 20 digital input and output ports, 7 PWM ports and 12 analog input. Compared to other versions of the Arduino using a separate USB-Serial converter chip uses a single-chip solution, the Leonardo innovative. Only with a Atmega32u4 USB communication and control. This innovative design reduces the cost of Leonardo. The original ecological support Atmega32u4 USB characteristics can let the Leonardo modeled as the mouse and keyboard, and greatly improve the applications. Arduino Leonardo need Arduino IDE1.01 version of the new version of the. Arduino Leonardo ordinary Arduino some obvious differences, 
the specific content see the Arduino Leonardo guidance document: http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/ArduinoLeonardo


• Controller: ATmega32u4
• goods recorded: 16 MHz
• Operating voltage: 5V
• Input Voltage (recommended) :7-12V
• Digital IO port: 22 (D0-D13, D14-MISO D15-SCK, D16-MOSI D18-23 [A0-A5)
• PWM channel: 7 (D3, D5, D6, D9, D10, D11, D13)
• analog input: 12 (A0-A5, D4-A6, D6-A7, D8-A8 ,-A9 D9, D10-A10, D12-A11)
• 5V digital / analog port maximum permissible current: 40 mA
• 3.3V digital / analog port maximum permissible current: 50 mA
• Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega32u4) of which 4 KB used by the bootloader
• SRAM: 2.5 KB (ATmega32u4)
• EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega32u4

Anda dapat mendapatkan produk Arduino Leonardo dengan harga bersahabat

1pc = Rp 219.000