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Selasa, 01 Januari 2013

Arduino Nano

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Arduino Nano is a base with ultra-small open source code Simple i / o platform, compared with the prior version of USB Arduino Diecimila account for a significant advantage of the Arduino the Nano in size, that can be used to develop a need to run independently, and has The interactive effects of electronic supplies; developed can be used to connect to a computer with the interactive work done in collaboration with Flash, Processing, Max / Msp, PD, VVVV software.

The Arduino Nano technology parameters:
- The 1.12 digital input / output port D2 to D13,
- Eight analog input ports A0 to A7 3.
- The TTL level serial transceiver port RX / TX 4.6 PWM ports, D3 D5, D6, D9, D10, D11 .
- Using Atmel Atmega328P-AU microcontroller USB download and power supply 7.
- Supports external 5V ~ 12V DC power supply

Temukan keunikan Arduino Nano dengan harga bersahabat 

Harga :
1pcs      = Rp 209.000
2 - 10pcs = Rp 195.000
11 - 100pcs = Rp 169.000